First Automated Liquidity Pool SmartHoldem STH
The first SmartHoldem Automated Liquidity Pool was launched Earn cryptocurrency by providing liquidity! Pool SmartHoldem STH / BitShares BTS Instant swap through an Automated Market Maker (AMM) without a deposit and orders. All transactions take place on the BitShares blockchain. Everything is Simple! Connect your BitShares XBTS Dex account and Create a liquidity pool! Liquidity Pool is Available in BitShares Mobile (Original BTS ++) v7.0 GooglePlay address: Official website: Official download address: Github: Work is underway to add the AMM function to the desktop and mobile client of the XBTS DEX exchange , where the XBTSX.STH / BTS liquidity pool will also be available. The user-friendly interface will allow you to create your own liquidity pools. What is a liquidity pool? A liquidity pool is a va...